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Re: Debian Desktop for a Joe Average

Since I can't reply to everyone, I'll reply to myself.

Peter - Cheers for the link to table of equivalents. Much Appreciated.
;) http://linuxshop.ru/linuxbegin/win-lin-soft-en/

Several things to note;
I'm not buying Libranet. While I support what they're doing, it's more
than the guy wants to spend - given that he's already paying me for my

I am effectively his system admin. Major upgrades will be done at my
house due him being on dial-up and me having scades more bandwidth and
an apt proxy. For this reason, I'm not worried about the whole Debian
is hard to install thing, but I'm buggered if I'm going to install one
of those rpm distro's. I've tried them, and the last thing I want to do
is support them.

Things I'm still looking for;

* Automount of CD's for KDE. (Gnome has magicdev)

* Automount / appear on desktop, of USB / firewire devices.
I've come across several packages that handle this, but I'd like to know
which is the proper way to do this.

* Automagical detection of hardware.
This is not internal hardware, but things like scanners, printers, and
so on.

* DHCP for the network, overridable by the ppp (dial-up modem)
connection that doesn't hold up the system if no DHCP server is

* An apt-get shell that lists applications, rather than packages (this
probably doesn't exist).

* Those apps and libs you don't notice until you discover you forgot to
install them - like gnome-spell.

* Anything anyone else can think of.

The hardware is as follows;
Athlon 1600, 256 MB DDR, nForce1 board, nForce1 sound, AGP GF4MX,
generic networking (Realtek I think).


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