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Re: SMTP Relay, closed (or so i thought)?

Hey Darryl!

Wow, *PHEW*, you have _NO_ idea how eased that makes me feel.. and yeah,
it was in the same time as the Swen started goingaround, i started
getting those ... and i also get these "infected messages" but since i
dont live anywhere near a windows box i dont feel That threat..

Especially since i tested my server on abuse.net's relay test and i got
through clean .. it has been giving me a headache trying to figure out
the problem at hand..

Wow.. now i guess i can start sleeping again :)

Best regards

On Tue, 2003-09-23 at 03:20, Darryl Barlow wrote:
> If this has only started in the last few days then I suspect these are not 
> genuine bounce messages but the product of the Swen worm.  There are a number 
> of threads in this list dealing with it.  If this is the case there is no 
> problem with your setup.  It is simply that your name has been harvested, 
> possibly from this or other mailing lists, and you have become one of many 
> targets for the large number of infected Windows machines.
> You can either put up with it or set up to filter the messages if they are a 
> real burden.  Someone was kind enough to post a sieve script earlier.
> Good luck.  
> -- 

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