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Re: Why such volume with W32/Swen@MM?

On Sat, 2003-09-20 at 21:49, Bill Moseley wrote:
> I'm curious why I'm getting so many of these viruses sent to me.  On
> various technical lists I've read of lots of people that are getting
> hammered by the mail, too.
> >From the descriptions I've read of W32/Swen@MM it mails itself to 
> "recipients extracted from the victim machine", yet I'm seeing so many 
> of these to my personal email address alone that I can't believe my 
> address is listed on that many machines.  Today I got about 300 alone 
> send to just one address.  Other's I've talked with about this (non-geek 
> internet users) are not seeing so much of the virus, if at all.
> The viruses are all coming from Windows machines, right?  It just seems 
> odd that my address would be on that many (cluelessly-run)  Windows 
> machines considering what lists I'm on.
> I'm also not on IRC or any of the other ways for it to spread.
> Anyone getting hit hard by this and understand why?
I am averaging about 4 swen mails every 3 minutes. I have had one minute
get 17 swen mails. A few minutes ago I got 122 swen mails in 10 minutes.

It's pretty wide-spread... I have heard ~1.5Million Windows machine are
infected... (I think I have gotten at least one from every infected
machine) but I'd think there are far more Clue-needed (l)users than we
can care to count.

The worst isn't over yet, some believe a secondary payload...

Let's hope not.
greg, greg@gregfolkert.net
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