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Re: Uppercasing filenames

* Jeff Elkins <jeffelkins@earthlink.net> [2003-09-20 13:07]:
> I need to convert a bunch of filenames to uppercase. I tried the
> script below, which does...nothing.
> #!/bin/sh
> for file in $*
>  do
>  if [ -f $file ]
>  then
>   ucfile=`echo $file | tr [a-z] [A-Z]`
>   if [ $file != $ucfile ]
>   then
>   mv -i $file $ucfile
>   fi
>  fi
>  done
> Any tips?

If I may, try the following:

for file in *
    ucfile=`echo $file | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]`
    if [ -f $file ] && [ ! $ucfile -ef $file ]
        cp $file $ucfile

That's assuming that you want any files with all uppercase filenames to
be ignored.  The only syntactical error that I saw was the '$*' instead
of '*' on the first non-comment line.

dave [ please don't CC me ]

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