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Re: burning a lot of coasters

On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 03:45:00PM +0800, Crispin Wellington wrote:
> discipline). Realtime scheduling allows the burning process to get all
> the CPU it needs, regardless of what other processes are doing. I have
> never made any coasters, ever, burning as root.

Right. But in practise, lack of CPU is seldomly a problem. If anything
your buffer underrus will come from IO bottlenecks. 

Of course you can "starve" the burning process if you really want to. 

yes > /dev/null &
!!  !!  
!!  !!  
!!  !!  
!!  !!  

But if you get a shrinking or too small buffer, it's usually the 
disk not being able to seek fast enough. For example, if your source
tree has lots of small files. The seek-to-the-data of all those small
files will hurt throughput in a major way. 

And even worse: If you have anohter process suddenly require that
kind of attention of the disk drive. 


** R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl ** http://www.BitWizard.nl/ ** +31-15-2600998 **
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