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Re: Connecting to ntl:home UK with Debian

On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 09:51:44PM +0100, Gee Law wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a the same ntl service connected an IPCop router (soon to 
> replaced with a 3Com router).
> >He has an ntl:home "broadband" (150kbps) connection via a cable modem
> >whose external interface is via coax and connects to the PC either by
> >ethernet or USB. The connection is configured under Windoze by means 
> >of an installation CD. Raw details on the nature of the connection 
> >are conspicuous by their absence, as is any mention of Linux.
> The installation CD is unecessary for reinstallation, even on Windows
> (on XP, at least). In addition to  the Ethernet interface, it is also
> possible to connect the modem via the USB interface using the CDCEther
> module.
> >Poking through Networking in his Windoze Control Panel seems to 
> >reveal TCP/IP drivers for the cable modem and no mention of PPP, so 
> >it looks to me as if we're probably not using PPPoE. He's configured 
> >to "Automatically assign IP address on connection" - Windoze DHCP? 
> >All his DNS settings are "Disabled", so I've no idea how his DNS 
> >works.
> No special drivers are necessary if using Ethernet. I have found the 
> USB interface to be somewhat temperamental (with Windows). 
> Simply connect the modem to the PC with some sort of Ethernet cable 
> (straight-through or crossover doesn't matter). The IP address, 
> DNS, subnet, etc. are all assigned using DHCP. Don't forget to 
> release the dhcp lease on the Windows box before plugging into the 
> Debian box (and disconnect the power for a few minutes after for good 
> measure). PPP and PPPoE are not involved.
> >I would be quite surprised if there isn't someone on this list whose
> >Debian box is connected to ntl:home UK, and I would be most grateful 
> >if you could let me know what kind of connection we are dealing with 
> >here.
> (If you find this useful, please forward to the list -- I am not 
> subscribed. Thanks)

Thanks, this and the other replies tell me what I need to know.

(BTW you don't have to be subscribed to post.)


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