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Re: nfs is driving me crazy...

On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 09:50:43PM -0400, Neal Lippman wrote:
> I could use some help from someone knowledgeable re: nfs.

<problem description deleted>

> For reference, both systems run testing.

Testing's current nfs-kernel-server is b0rken.  Or it is for me, at least,
when used versus an unstable client.

Downgrade to:

$ dpkg -l | grep nfs-ker
hi  nfs-kernel-ser 1.0.3-1        Kernel NFS server support

And I'll bet that fixes your problem.

The version in unstable doesn't have the problem.  I did some fiddling with
it to try and determine the actual change between -1 and -2 that caused it,
but I needed a working server, so I quit.

And yes, I should have filed a bug.  Should have done a lot of things the
last couple of weeks.  Work comes first, though.

 Marc Wilson |     Fuch's Warning: If you actually look like your
 msw@cox.net |     passport photo, you aren't well enough to travel.

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