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Re: where is netscape 4 in testing?

Le Dimanche 7 Septembre 2003 17:51, Stefan Waidele jun. a déclamé :
> Well, first I ask myself: Why would anyone use Netscape 4?

 For some people who are used to it and won't change
 For some badly coded enterprise websites...

> Numbers have arrived at 7.1 and there is Mozilla as a free alternative
> and there is mozilla-firebird,...

 For computers too old to run anything else than NS 3 or 4.

> Since not even the company that made it supports yesterdays browser,
> why should the 'next generation' of Debian?

 I thought one of the points of open source [Ok, it is not open source, 
but free] was that a project was never dead, and that you upgrade when 
YOU want.

 So, why not NS 4.77 in Sarge ? Assuming someone wants to maintain it, of 

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
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and then. We don't kill him, figuring he helps keep the other bug
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