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Re: How stable is SiD ?

Johan Kullstam wrote:
Paul Johnson <baloo@ursine.ca> writes:

On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 03:27:47PM +0200, Joris Lambrecht wrote:

Can anyone advise on starting to use SiD as resource for my Debian
Workstation ? Doesn't it have to many issues left open, broken
dependencies etc.

If you have to ask, sid is not stable enough for you.

Perhaps his video card isn't supported with the woody shipped xfree86?
That's why I went straight for sid last August.  (ATI Radeon 8500
needs 4.2.1.)  At work I just got some crap corporate box with i845g
graphics.  I need xfree86 4.3.  Please advise.

There's some useful posts on installing X 4.3 in the archives in the
last couple of weeks.

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