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Re: [ANNOUNCE] New ATI drivers available

On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 03:08:11 +0200 (CEST), Roberto Sanchez
<rcsanchez97@yahoo.es> wrote: 

> I just checked out the ATI website, and they have some new linux
> drivers. The new version is 3.2.5, with versions for Xfree86 4.1, 4.2,
> and 4.3.  I just installed the drivers and built the new kernel
> module, and I can already see that things have improved (no more
> segfaults when running fgl_glxgears, and about a 2% boost in fps in
> the vanilla glxgears program).  I think that they are well woth the
> effort, especially if you have a newer card.

I've been using the schneider-digital drivers for awhile now with a
RADEON 9800 and XFree86 4.3 ... so far no problems and am very happy
with the performance. If I recall correctly, schneider-digital is just
the more bleeding-edge front to ATi's releases.

I wonder if I should bother switching ... or just be content with what I
have now.

Scott Christopher Linnenbringer		[sl@eskimo.com]
http://www.eskimo.com/~sl/info.txt 	[sl@moslug.org]

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