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Re: /home partition

Paul Johnson wrote:

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On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 10:36:31AM -0400, alex wrote:

I opted for a separate partition (hda2) for /home during the installation of Debian and it was duly formatted. However, the partition doesn't seem to be as performing as a /home directory.
Instead, the regular /home directory under / seems to be doing
the job.

You forgot to mount it as such during install.  You can fix this

It seems to me that I did opt to have hda2 in its own partition and it was formatted during the installation but that's as much that I could do then.

# shutdown now
(wait a little)
# mount /dev/hda2 /mnt
Doesn't this command require that hda2 have
a proper file system in order to work?
My hda2 didn't seem to have a file system even
though it was formatted during the installation
of Debian and I don't recall if there was a system option
at that time.

# cp -ax /home /mnt
(wait a long time)
# rm -r /home
# mkdir /home
# editor /etc/fstab
(add a new entry for /home)
# shutdown -rF now
(wait for reboot, you now have /home where you expect it)

It sounds like a simple thing but I'm not that experienced that
I could confidently edit /etc/fstab to properly add an entry for /home. I've visted many websites for this and they have fine
instructions like yours and they mention editing /etc/fstab but
none actually went beyond just mentioning editing. I just didn't know the exact thing to type in manually. That's immaterial now because I used commands similar to yours but added a mkfs step and that did the trick. /etc/fstab now has /dev/hda2 /home...........

I believe I now have the /home partition (hda2) working as it should. When I do a ls /home it shows the same data as when I do ls hda2 (I have to access hda2 first with an alias that I created for this purpose)

Thanks anyway.


- -- .''`. Paul Johnson <baloo@ursine.ca> : :' : `. `'` proud Debian admin and user
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fix a system
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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