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Re: Problems with SSH and X11

On Sat, Sep 06, 2003 at 05:30:19PM +0200, Mariano Kamp wrote:
> mkamp@black:~$ ssh -X rock 
> The authenticity of host 'rock (' can't be established.
> mkamp@rock's password: 
> Linux rock 2.4.18-bf2.4 #1 Son Apr 14 09:53:28 CEST 2002 i686 GNU/Linux
> [..] abbreviated
> mkamp@rock:~$ echo $DISPLAY
> [ void - just one blank line ]

I bet you don't have xbase-clients installed on the remote system.

>   Besides that I have another thing with SSH bugging me. Maybe these issues 
> are related? 

No, they aren't.

> When I try to copy something with scp from rock to black, like this:
> mkamp@rock:~$ scp foo mkamp@black:.
> mkamp@black's password: 
> executing /etc/bash.bashrc
> mkamp@rock:~$ 
> I just get the message that /etc/bash.bashrc has been executed, which is just 
> some debug message for me that this file bas been executed on rock.

You shouldn't do it like that. This is a common mistake, but it breaks
the scp protocol. Guard the debug message such that it only gets
displayed for interactive shells, something like this:

  case $- in
      echo 'executing /etc/bash.bashrc'
      # other interactive stuff goes here, if you want

>   I am also wondering why I have ssh and ssh2 on my machine.

You installed them both, probably. ;)

> Can I remove one of them? How? apt-get remove ssh?

ssh2 wasn't properly maintained for a long time, is non-free, and has
been removed from Debian. 'dpkg --purge ssh2' is probably what you want.


Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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