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how to fix broken package

Hi, I messed up my xserver-xfree86 package.  I had
already installed this package and then I had some X
driver issues so I went into the directories, and
deleted a couple of files ie. /usr/X11R6/lib/modules

I then did this,
apt-get install --purge xserver-xfree86

Anyhow, so I try to reinstall:

apt-get install xserver-xfree86

and I get this error message:
xserver-xfree86 failed to preconfigure, with exit
status 127
subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit
status 127

I assume that this is an error from debconf.

I think I've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at
this problem and would dearly love to get my X back in

Ideally, I'd like to force the system to reinstall
xserver-xfree86.  All the X configuration stuff I can
do myself but I don't want to mess around with the apt
database too much for fear of really messing up my

Can anyone help?



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