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Re: How stable is SiD ?

> Hash: SHA1
> On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 03:27:47PM +0200, Joris Lambrecht wrote:
>> Can anyone advise on starting to use SiD as resource for my Debian
>> Workstation ? Doesn't it have to many issues left open, broken
>> dependencies etc.
> If you have to ask, sid is not stable enough for you.

That's about right.

For a workstation I tend to keep everything defaulting to -testing and
only install -unstable packages on an as needed/wanted basis.

For example, I tend to keep mpeg players very up to date from -unstable
because every week there is a new codec out.

But I keep the bigger stuff (XFree, OpenOffice, Mozilla) in -testing
because I really don't want to have to deal with them being broken. 
Considering that my wife is reluctantly using Linux for college, I can't
afford any bad press.

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