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Re: [OT] open source distribution

All the license says is under what terms the software can be
distributed, it doesn't comply anyone to distribute it.
I don't think that open source is a license, it just saying that the
source is freely available (don't know what is says, if anything,
concerning who can change the official source).
IIRC GPL says that if you distribute the software, you must also supply
the sources to the distributee on demand, and it also says something
regarding the changing, re-usage and redistribution rights (I don't know
the exact details so you probably go and read the exact terms). It says
nothing concerning an obligation to distribute the software in the first

On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 18:42, Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:
> Hopefully a (quick) question...if I make a product which is open source I
> don't have to *distribute* the product, do I?
> Background: a potential client may or may not understand the benefits of
> open source work. If I make something for them which is licensed under
> GFL and uses other products, which I have written and are under the same
> license, is there any obligation on my part (or the client's part) to
> distribute the software? i.e. can something be open source but not
> available (for lack of a better term).
> thanks for your thoughts,
> emma
> -- 
> Emma Jane Hogbin
> [[ 416 417 2868 ][ www.xtrinsic.com ]]
Micha Feigin

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