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Re: Hot-plugging USB storage devices.

 --- Iain Georgeson <iain@kremlinux.demon.co.uk> escribió: 
> I have a question about mounting USB storage devices. I have an
> Olympus digital camera, which I've been using happily for a while. I
> use usbmgr to load the usb-storage and scsi modules on demand, and a
> line in /etc/fstab allows me to mount it on /camera from /dev/sda1.

OK. I'm with you so far.

> The problem is that I've just acquired a USB keychain memory drive. If
> that's the first device I plug in, it becomes sda1. I would prefer it
> each device was always mounted in the same place - /camera for the
> camera and /keychain for the keychain, for example. Is there any way
> of doing this with usbmgr or something else like hotplug?

I don't get it.  Why not just do something like:

# ln -s /camera /keychain

That way, you can either mount /camera or /keychain, which makes it easier for
you to mentally track which device you are using (I imagine that is why you
want a seperate mount point).  This method requires no changes to fstab or
anything else.  The only downside is that you would not be able to mount both
devices at the same time.

> I don't mind if the scripts auto-mount the devices, as long as Mere
> Mortal Users can umount them.
>         Iain Georgeson



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