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Re: open source distribution

On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 10:57:05PM +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 13:05:14 -0400, 
> David Z Maze <dmaze@debian.org> wrote in message 
> <[🔎] 87bru8fl85.fsf@everett.mit.edu>:
> > [1] I've run into a fair bit of GPL'd PalmOS software.  While free
> > software is well and good, the main way handheld software seems to get
> > shared is by IR beaming -- which is binary-only, so I think the GPL
> > effectively prevents me from sharing, say, OpenChess this way. 
> ..huh???  You can't IR-beam source as text files between these toys?

Perhaps the toy-ness is the issue - not enough storage for the source?

Surely it would be good enough to distribute the binary along with a
URL from which the source is available? After all, this is effectively
what I'm doing if I give someone a set of Debian CDs.


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