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Re: Unicode: is it safe to use it ?

On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 01:03, Xavier Maillard wrote:
> Alex Malinovich <demonbane@the-love-shack.net> writes:
> >  I'm pretty sure that most MUA's, M$ and otherwise, already have full
> >  Unicode support. Any MUA that's used anywhere outside of the US would
> >  pretty much HAVE to have it in order to be used seriously. On the off
> >  chance that they don't, however, you don't really have to worry about
> >  it. All regular ASCII characters (i.e. all characters in the English
> >  alphabet) will still show up fine.
> What happen if I type accentuated characters though ? Is it possible to
> mix japanese with english and some french in one message ? How is it
> handled then ?
> In fact I am learning japanese and I have a few friends which I would
> be interested in exchanging words in several language at the same time
> but dunno if it is well supported by their MUA :)

Assuming that the fonts you have installed have all of the applicable
characters, that shouldn't be a problem. I believe that both Katakana
and Hiragana are supported in Unicode so you shouldn't have a problem on
that end. I believe that Kanji is supported as well, but that's a very
long story regarding Chinese-type characters and Unicode that I'll leave
to you to investigate if you're interested.

Assuming you're exchanging messages with friends who have French,
Japanese, and English fonts installed, and that their mailers support
Unicode, you'll obviously have no problem. Assuming that they speak and
write Japanese, French and English like you do, I would certainly hope
that they would have those fonts installed.

If their mailers don't support Unicode, I can't make any guarantees
other than for the standard ASCII characters. I know that in the case of
Cyrillic at least, there appears to be some overlap between Unicode and
ISO encodings so they show up alright most of the time. As far as
Japanese fonts go, I don't know. That much you'll have to discover on
your own.

Good luck. :)
Alex Malinovich
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