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Re: abcde is failing me. SOLVED

On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 14:56:43 -0400
Antonio RodrX <arodriguez31@cfl.rr.com> wrote:

> If I run it as root, it works good. If I run it as user, not so. I've
> tweaked the $HOME/.abcde.conf and have been able to make the list of
> errors get smaller, but still. Next I copy what I keep getting. It
> seems as if cdparanoia is not working fully for the user. However, at
> the command prompt it works for the user. I tried -v, didn't help me
> much. Output of abcde:
> chat:~/musica$ abcde -a encode
> /usr/bin/abcde: cddb,read,encode,tag,move,playlist,clean: command not
> found/usr/bin/abcde: encode: command not found
> /usr/bin/abcde: tag: command not found
> /usr/bin/abcde: move: command not found
> /usr/bin/abcde: playlist: command not found
> Getting CD track info... Grabbing entire CD - tracks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
> 9 10 11 12 13 14 abcde: attempting to resume from
> /home/tony/musica/abcde.c407e10e.. Grabbing track 1...
> cdparanoia III release 9.8 (March 23, 2001)
> (C) 2001 Monty <monty@xiph.org> and Xiphophorus
> Report bugs to paranoia@xiph.org
> http://www.xiph.org/paranoia/
> Unable to open cdrom drive; -v will give more information.
> The following commands failed to run:
> readtrack-1: cdparanoia  returned code 1
> Finished. Not cleaning /home/tony/musica/abcde.c407e10e.
> chat:~/musica$ 

For references in the archive I am sending to the list the found solution.


     Problems with cdparanoia, or abcde to rip a CD as user


Problems ripping a CD with abcde as user:
cdparanoia reports error, exit code 1.
However, it works as root.

Case: CD drives are ide, kernel with scsi simulation.

ls -l /dev/sg* reports
ownership by root, group also root


1. chown g+rw /dev/sg*
2. chgrp cdrom /dev/sg*

These two steps have been enogh to make abcde work as user (user that
belongs to cdrom group).

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