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Re: Window manager troubles in Sid

On Sun, Jun 22, 2003 at 01:53:55AM +0200, Roberto Sanchez wrote:
> I just installed Debian on a friend's machine yesterday.  I used Knoppix to
> detect the hardware (and write down what it produced) then I used an old Woody
> CD to get a base system in place.  I changed the sources.list to point at
> unstable and then did apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade.
> Everything good so far (I was only upgrading the base install).  Then I went
> into dselect and picked all the programs and stuff that he wanted, including
> GNOME for the desktop.  Once all was done the xserver wouldn't start (I
> accidently told it the incorrect video card), but that was easily fixed.  When
> I finally go GNOME to come up, the panels were in the middle of the screen and
> they had regular window decorations (making me think that the problem is
> actually with the window manager).
> Can someone suggest a way to fix this?  The currently installed window manager
> is metacity, but I can't figure out how to tell if that is where the problem
> really is.

I would guess from this description that GNOME is using twm as it's WM
at the moment.  'ps aux | grep twm' will tell you for sure.  If it is,
try running 'pkill twm ;sleep 5s;metacity&' in a (X) terminal to get
metacity running.  You should just need to 'save session' before you
exit, and metacity will be used in the future.

Rob Weir <rweir@ertius.org>  |   mlspam@ertius.org   |   http://www.ertius.org/
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