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Re: Cannot acces my machine (woody)

On Sat, Jun 21, 2003 at 10:50:57AM -0400, Jean-marc Belley wrote:
> I have a problem to access my computer.
>  I cannot access to root or any user.
>  When i tried to login as root or user i have
>  the following error:
>  Cannot Execute /bin/bash: Exec format error
>  So i cannot access my computer. I tried
>  with the rescue disk and same error.

If you have /bin/sash installed, try that rather than /bin/bash.

If you cannot boot with a rescue disk, you could try to booting from a
floppy with tomsrtbt. You can get tomsrtbt from
http://www.toms.net/rb/. Once you have booted from tomsrtbt, you can
mount your partitions and try to fix the problem. To fix the problem
you may need to run programs using chroot; the tomsrtbt FAQ has
some sections on this.

You should probably also take a look at:

What sequence of events led up to your problem?


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