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Re: Sarge install onto nFarce2 board with x 2 DDR400 sticks doable?

[20030620] Haralambos (haralambos@ihug.co.nz) wrote:

> Hiya,

> If I take out one stick, then I can get the OS on, but not stable.
> Any tips, tricks or links please?

This is weird, maybe one of your dimms is bad ? Run memtest86
for 5-6 hrs. to verify it before installing. (www.lnx-bbc.org
for a nice small rescue cd with memtest86 in)

After u have your memory working, install debian, get
linux-2.4.21 sources from www.kernel.org (not debian's
kernel-source deb), and go to
http://members.optusnet.com.au/ckolivas/kernel/ and get ACPI &
nForce2 patches, apply them, make-kpkg (or make bzImage etc.)
your new kernel & install it. Reboot, 'apt-get install acpid'
and ta da :)

> Greek Geek  :-)

Another greek geek :D

Manolis Tzanidakis
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