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Re: file splitting

>>>>> "KH" == Karl Hasselstrom <kha@treskal.com> writes:

    KH> I'm looking for one or more programs that can do the following:
    KH> 1. Split an X byte file into n pieces of X/k bytes each (n >= k), such
    KH>    that any k pieces suffice to reconstruct the file.

I think .rar archives, when split, support this -- but maybe
not. Check google.

    KH> 2. Split an X byte file into n pieces of X bytes each, such that any k
    KH>    pieces suffice to reconstruct the file (n >= k), but no group of at
    KH>    most k-1 pieces convey any information about the file contents
    KH>    whatsoever.

    KH> 3. Split an X byte file into n pieces of X/k bytes each (n >= k), such
    KH>    that any k pieces suffice to reconstruct the file, but no group of
    KH>    at most k-1 pieces convey any information about the file contents
    KH>    (under the assumption that some cryptographic algorithm is
    KH>    unbreakable).

I think the Freenet project (freenetproject.org) does this with its
datastore. It's open-source, so you could probably adapt its code for
(2) and (3).


Joseph Barillari -- http://barillari.org

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