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Re: dpkg inconsistency

Gary Turner <kk5st@sbcglobal.net> writes:

> In the spirit of "don't re-invent the wheel" this is what I use:
> #!/bin/sh
> # Written by Larry Holish, ljholish@speakeasy.net
> # As customized by Gary Turner for his own use
> # Script that writes current list of packages installed
> # from /var/lib/dpkg/available to pkgs_woody.current.
> # Keeps a history of changes between package versions
> # in woody_history.txt.
> COLUMNS=120 dpkg -l | grep "^i" | cut -b 5- > pkgs_woody.current

Instead of 'dpkg -l', you should use 'dpkg --get-selections' and save
its output unmodified.  Then, if you want to restore those selections,
you can send the list to 'dpkg --set-selections'.  Just a suggestion...

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