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Re: sndfile.pc ?

On Sun, Feb 09, 2003 at 05:41:57PM -0500, James Hughes wrote:
> > 
> > I'd be interested in hearing if you get this working. It appears that the
> > devloper of Ardour has suceded in upseting the Debian developers, and they
> > are'nt interested in doing anythign with this package. Too bad, as I have
> > lot's of LP's thta I wan't to read in, and this package would be a big
> > asset (along with gramofile), on doing this. I wisht these 2 projects could
> > get together.
> I've been having some success recording LP's with Audacity. It has a
> nifty 'remove noise profile' feature that I've found quite useful for
> getting rid of pops and scratches. Gramofile sounds interesting
> though, especially the feature that detects where tracks start and end
> and splits the .wav file accordingly.
> > Thanks for the info.
> np, thanks for the gramofile tip!

If you are not using gramofile, I _strongly_ sugest you take a look at it.
It's wonderful. I'm not usually a person who needs a GUI, but for live
albums, which the automated tarck spliter cant handle, a nice GUI editor,
showing waveforms, and allowing you to makrk places for spliting, and play
short segments that you have marked would be ideal.

That's why I wanted Ardour. But at this point in time, unless someone else
gets it built on Debian, it's a non-starter for me :-(

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
						-- Benjamin Franklin

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