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Re: GTK, GTK2 Fonts

On Fri, 2003-02-07 at 23:16, Cameron Matheson wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 07:02:48PM -0500, Richard Beri wrote:
> > For some reason gdm wants to always use the ugly default font and
> > I cannot change it, gnome-control-center run 

Run gdmconfig as root and it should set you right. Under the "Login
Behaviour" tab (in the Basic options), there's a default font selector.
Alternatively, create a gtkrc file containing the font you want and
point gdm to it in the "Login Appearance" tab.

I believe gdm2 is not yet available in unstable.

> > 
> > Thats problem one, problem 2 is that now GTK2 apps like rox now default 
> > to some tiny unreadable anti-aliased font, and again I use 
> > gnome-control-center to try and set the font, but again gtk2 apps 
> > ignore the settings.
> Yeah i have been getting this too... i think there is a config server
> type thing in gnome2

GTK2 uses Xft2 which is configured through /etc/fonts/fonts.conf. Add
the following to /etc/fonts/fonts.conf to turn off anti-aliasing for
point sizes less than 13 points:

        <match target="pattern">
                <test qual="any" name="size" compare="less">
                <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">

I like the look of anti-aliased oblique fonts though, so I want 
anti-aliasing to happen for all oblique fonts regardless of size.
So I added another <test> element like so:

                <test qual="any" name="slant" compare="eq">

This way, antialiasing will be turned off for all upright fonts
less than 13 points.

> > I know that ~/.gtkrc controls the fonts in gtk1 apps (except for root 
> > user for some reason), what config file is controlling the gtk2 apps?
> ~/.gtkrc-2.0

I'm running Gnome2 as my main desktop, but to configure the fonts and
themes for Gnome1 applications, I'm using gtk-theme-switch.  If you're
using Gnome1 as your desktop with some Gnome2 applications, I guess you
will have to manually edit ~/.gtkrc-2.0.

Steven Yap <syap@shaw.ca>

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