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dangling DCOP files in Woody, KDE 2.2.2

Hi all.

I help support a research group in which several not-too-savvy users run
on KDE.  Since converting their machines from Mandrake to Debian/Woody,
they've started having problems with .DCOP* files being left behind in
their home directories after they log out of their KDE sessions, with
the result that when they try to log back in again, nothing works.

We can write various hacks that will get rid of the .DCOP files, but
does anybody know what might be causing this in the first place?  Their
home directories are NFS mounted from a fileserver (still Mandrake,
kernel release 2.4.18, glibc version 2.2.2-4mdk), but other than that
this is a pretty vanilla installation of Woody, so I expect that if
we're having this problem somebody else must have run across it;
nonetheless, all my attempts to STFW come up empty so far.

I've checked, and they do log out of KDE in an orderly manner; this
isn't being caused by dumb stuff like ctl-alt-backspace as far as I can

# Michael Jinks, IB # JFI/MRSEC/EFI Computing # University of Chicago #
      Reader!  Think not that
      technical information
      ought not be called speech;  -- Anonymous, "How to decrypt a DVD"

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