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Re: dxr3 and xine dvd playback

-- Matthew Weier O'Phinney <matthew@weierophinney.net> wrote
(on Wednesday, 05 February 2003, 04:48 PM -0500):
> I'm on debian testing, and want to view DVDs via my dxr3 card. I tried
> installing the em8300 package, but it wasn't set up correctly, so I
> ended up grabbing the source and installing it by hand. Since I wasn't
> able to get the deb of em8300, I also ended up compiling and installing
> xine-lib and xine-ui by hand.
> The dxr3 card works fine -- vga loopback sends video fine, and I can get
> my vga overlay up and running (I can send output from lsmod and
> em8300setup, if necessary, to show that installation works). When I try
> and run xine, however, wierd stuff happens.
> Half the time, it seems like xine is unable to find the spu-en/decoder
> on the card, and thus won't play anything and locks up. The other half,
> it will play the first chapter -- usually just the copyright notice --
> and stops and locks up. I don't ever get to the menus, and trying to
> play a later chapter via the command-line always comes up as an
> unsupported option.

Followup: I can start chapters if I mount the dvd and use the file://
syntax for MRLs. However, I get audio (very choppy) and only a green

Since my card uses a bt865 chip, I can only set options for the em8300
module - and I've tried setting the dicom_control and dicom_fix options
in all 4 combinations, and still only get a green screen when using the
file:/ syntax.

When using 'xine dvd:/', I get the copyright notice, which displays

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

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