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Re: tagging an incoming message

This one time, at band camp, Sam Rosenfeld said:
> I would like to tag incoming messages that match a pattern which shows
> up in the message but does not seem to be accessible to tag.  For
> example, some messages are sent via a process called "Autoview" which
> does not respond to the usual tag or label instructions.  Furthermore,
> when saving the messages, I can no longer read the portion of the
> message that mentions "Autoview".   I don't know why the name
> "Autoview" can be visible on my screen but I can't seem to get procmail
> to recognize it.
> We are using Linux 2.2.20;  Exim 3.35; Mutt 1.3.28.  I'd prefer to do the
> labeling at the level of my MTA (exim) .  But, if it requires shifting away
> from Exim, I would certainly consider it.
> Thanks.

You're seeing something that mutt does when viewing messages in HTML,
I'm assuming - "Autoview using html2text" or something, right?

You can't look for the word 'Autoview', as mutt puts that in the
displayed message as an informational message.  Instead tag these
messages based on 'content-type: text/html' or whatever. 

|  Stephen Gran                  | BOFH excuse #117:  the printer thinks   |
|  steve@lobefin.net             | its a router.                           |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve |                                         |

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