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Re: nvidia 2 MX400 dual head

hi ya

On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Alexey Chetroi wrote:

>  Hi All,
>  I have nvidia card with 2 video outputs. I was able to get dual-head
> working with the nvidia's proprietary drives in clone mode or screen
> extension. But what I want to do is to have two screens or two X servers
> so I could run my Desktop on 1 screen and mplayer on other screen.
>  Is this possible?

if the nvidia X server works with your monitor ...
you cah have dual-headed setup
	- just need to fixup /etc/X11/XF86Config
	for dual-head operation

	- 2 Screen stanza for different monitors

	- same or different device for each svga port
	( ati and matrox dual heads work very nicely )

	- than worry about which monitor is on the left and right

c ya

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