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Re: Problem installing Debian woody

On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 04:07:22PM +0800, D.H wrote:
> Hi all,
>     I have tried to install Debian woody on my box for about 3 times(I downloaded all the 7 ISO image files and burn them on CD), but every time i got the same error when installing "diald" package, luckly, it doesn't interrupt the whole installation process. The error message says something about "dpkg returns (-1) when reading diald_0.99.4-5_i386.deb", I am sure that this was not because of "Module dependency", someone tell me maybe it was caused by the bad CD media, but there is no error occured during buring process.I am puzzled now, anyone can help me ?
>    Thanks in Advance.

well, in my view, this seems to be a problem of bad media. why dont you
check the media on some other machine? anyway, go ahead and
install the system - without the diald package. after having done that,
you can always go to debian site and download and install diald.

and yes, welcome to the club of lucky few who have switched to debian!


sandip p deshmukh

I have found little that is good about human beings.  In my experience
most of them are trash.
		-- Sigmund Freud

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