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Re: Non-Linux-aware ISP: please spoon feed

Pigeon writes:
> I am trying to set up my Linux box to connect to my Waitrose ISP
> account. I am using this one rather than my ukonline one because ukonline
> requires my box to fetch DNS addresses every time it logs on,...

Ppp can deal with this.  Just select 'Dynamic' in the 'Configure
Nameservers' screen in pppconfig.

> I have run pppconfig and entered all the details it asks for, no problem.

> I have followed the instructions in
> /usr/doc/HOWTO/ISP-Hookup-HOWTO.2.html to the letter, and set up the
> various files in /etc as that document describes.

You don't need to do any of that.  That's what pppconfig is for.  Undo all
the manual changes you made, run pppconfig again, and select 'PAP'
authentication (which is what they almost certainly use).  If that doesn't
work run pppconfig again and change the authentication method to 'CHAP'.
If that fails dial in to them using minicom and work through the login
procedure by hand while taking notes.  Then go back to pppconfig, select
'CHAT' authentication, and fill in the required info by referring to your

I assume that they have already given you a username and password?
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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