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Re: Compiling kernel for AMD CPU with gcc 3.02 How?

On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, John Foster wrote:

JF>kernel to build "that works" using the A7 for athlon xp 1.8 cpu
JF>selection in the .config file. ANY advice is appreciated. Thanks.

I'm sure there is a smarter way to do it than the one I used, but this
worked fine for me and is simple enough:

- edit main kernel Makefile and put gcc-3.02 (3.2 in my case) wherever gcc
is (2 places)
- edit arch/i386/Makefile and replace athlon with athlon-xp

Something else you might try is pentium-build (do not let the name fool you,
it's a wrapper that also works for athlon); if you do, please let me know
your experience, I still haven't had time to try it seriously.


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