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Re: vi as a text editor

On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 05:26:43PM -0600,  Rob VanFleet wrote:
> I can't really comment on emacs other than the fact that when I have
> large chunk of time open, I'll try to learn it.  I forced myself to
> learn vim when I first started using Linux by using it to write mail.
> Emacs is a little hefty for such a task unless you're a hardcore emacs
> use that never leaves the editor.  I know you can set up mutt to use it
> in some sort of daemon(?) mode to reduce invocation time, but I also
> have less time than I did back when I first learned vim (and a lot more
> mail) :)

If you tell mutt to use 'dtemacs' as your editor, then it'll start a new
emacs window inside an existing process if there is one, or else start a
new one.  That said, I still prefer vim for my mail editing, since it
loads instantly and I don't need to move away from my Eterm.


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