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Re: URGENT - How to shutdown Debian 3? - URGENT

On November 15, 2002 03:31 pm, Llies Meridja wrote:

> No it does not work, first when I choose GNOME session and do
> ctrl+alt+del nothing happens, then when I log to KDE session and do
> ctrl+alt+del I get system guard!

Did you try Nate's advice?  Log in, open a terminal (xterm, for example), 
then do as he says:

> once logged in do 'su' and input the root password when prompted,
> then issue the 'halt' command to halt the system.

If you don't like logging in as root whenever you shut down, you could give 
your userid permission to do some commands as root:

1) Type "su" in a terminal to log in as root
2) visudo
3) move to the bottom of the file, and type "i" to enter insert mode
4) type the line (Replace username with your username):

username    ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/poweroff

5)  <ESC> :wq        to exit
6) Now your regular user can type /sbin/halt to poweroff.  Additionally, you 
could put the following line in your user's /home/username/.bashrc file:

alias halt="/sbin/halt"  


alias anynicknameIwant="/sbin/halt"

(with the editor of your choice, or using vi filename and the same "insert" 
and save & quit commands as visudo)

7)  From then on, your regular user can shut down just by typing "halt" into 
a shell.  You could even make an icon or menu item to do it.

You might want to add other commands in visudo, like /usr/bin/xcdroast (for 
writing CDs).

Hope this helps,

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