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Converting MS Word to postscript

Hello all,

I have a file that I created using MS Word (I know, I know) that IU
would like to convert into a postscript file.  The problem I am having
is that Openoffice, Abiword, etc. all mess up the formatting when I try
to open it, so I can't just print to file there.  I have not yet tried
antiword on it, but I suspect that if these others can't get the
formatting right, neither will antiword.

I have tried printing to file from the Windows box, and it ouputs a .prn
file, which is apparently of type:

steve@gashuffer:~$ file Resume.prn 
Resume.prn: HP Printer Job Language data

Not postscript, as I would have assumed.  gv refuses to open it, but I
can print it with lpr, so presumably I can somehow get one of the gv-like
programs to open it, or convert it, but I'm not having much luck.  Any
one have any suggestions here?
|Stephen Gran                  | Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it's  |
|steve@lobefin.net             | hard to get it back in.   -- H.R. Haldeman    |
|http://www.lobefin.net/~steve |                                               |
|                              |                                               |

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