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RE: Scan email for viruses

Title: RE: Scan email for viruses

-- harden your mail server first
Ok i think i did what i had to do.....i'm using qmail

-- use secure pop3 or secure imaps
It's going to be a web interface mail server so, i shouldn't have a lot of work on imap securization but i'll put some efforts on the apache side

-- user your favorite antivirus app
Not done yet, i plan to use mcaffee, i don't know if it's a good choice but at the end i need an antivirus

-- disallow MIME and you're lot safer
Why ?? does it means i won't be able to sent any attachement ?
I don't want to receive vbs for instance but i wanted to use procmail.

-- dont forget to check your server for open-relays

I don't understand why people want to detach mime, maybe there's a good reason and something i didn't understand.

So i assume that to have my mail server completely functional i need
- The mail server function it self qmail+imap etc
- The antivirus
- A filter or mime detach ( i don't really see the difference) such as procmail
- An antispam package (spamassassin ?)
- Make my server check the RBL

I don't see how things can fit together particularly about how the mail server will check attachments before declaring the email available for the users.

If the email contains a virus i'd like to warn the sender (is it done with procmail ?)

Thanx for help anyway


-----Original Message-----
From: Alvin Oga [mailto:aoga@Maggie.Linux-Consulting.com]
Sent: 15 November 2002 15:08
To: Mikael Jirari
Cc: 'debian-user@lists.debian.org'
Subject: Re: Scan email for viruses

hi ya mikael

-- harden your mail server first

-- find your fav debian package

-- use secure pop3 or secure imaps
        -- list of secure pop3 daemons

-- user your favorite antivirus app
        -- list of anti-virus apps

        -- disallow MIME and you're lot safer

-- dont forget to check your server for open-relays
        -- list of online testors

-- for anti-spam... install your favorite app
        -- list of anti-spam apps

        -- add more rbls for anti-spam

-- and when its all done... start over and review again ...

have fun

On Fri, 15 Nov 2002, Mikael Jirari wrote:

> I need to set up on mail mail server a system that provide security
> for email when users retrive them.
> Except the choice of the antivirus, that i havn't done yet what should
> i install ?
> I need the mails to be checked by the antivirus BEFORE the users take
> them.
> I don't try to use anti spam programs at the moment.
> Any advices appreciated :)

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