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Felipe Martínez Hermo <felipe@galicia.ugt.org> writes:
> 	I have just upgraded to woody and I just can't connect to my X
> 	server.
> 	User "felipe" is running X and I want to execute an application
> 	on that X server. The usual procedure used to be:
> 		felipe@machine$ xhost +

Gaack!  That's *always* the wrong answer...

> 		felipe@machine$ su somebody
> 		Password:
> 		somebody@machine$ export DISPLAY=machine:0.0
> 		somebody@machine$ xcalc & (for example)

I'd suggest reading the Remote-X-Apps mini-HOWTO, either off of
http://www.linuxdoc.org/ or under /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt/mini if
you have the doc-linux-text package installed.  Section 7 describes
how to do this sort of thing safely.

(Answering a little more directly, woody's X server intentionally
disabled direct network connections to prevent naive users from
opening massive security holes for themselves with 'xhost +'.  You
*could* turn this back on but you really don't want to.  In normal
usage you should never need to set DISPLAY directly; you should either
use ssh X forwarding if you're connecting to a remote machine or set
XAUTHORITY or something similar to use a local connection.  All of
this is covered in the mini-HOWTO, though.)

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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