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Re: pam .76.5 and xscreensaver lockouts

This one time, at band camp, Thomas R. Shemanske said:
> I have seen no bug reports nor discussion on this list about recent 
> trouble with libpam* 0.76.4/5 on sid and xlock/xscreensaver.
> I have a current sid system (except for the pam modules and libraries 
> which I have had to downgrade to  0.72-35).
> When I first accepted the pam upgrades to .76.4 and locked my screen via 
> xcreensaver/xlockmore, my password was not accepted.
> I had to kill the process from a console (from which I was fortunately 
> able to login).  I downgraded to  0.72-35, and the locking again 
> functioned normally.
> I had the same problem with 0.76.5 (the current sid version)
> The relevant lines in
> /etc/pam.d/xlock are
> auth    required        pam_unix.so nullok
> and
> /etc/pam.d/xscreensaver are
> auth     required       pam_unix_auth.so
> My /var/log/auth.logs don't seem to reveal anything useful other than I 
> was denied access.
> Is anybody else having this problem?
> Thanks
> Tom

It works fine here.

steve:~$ dpkg -l libpam0g
ii  libpam0g       0.76-5         Pluggable Authentication Modules library

steve:~$ cat /etc/pam.d/xscreensaver
# /etc/pam.d/xscreensaver - PAM behavior for xscreensaver

auth     required       pam_unix_auth.so

steve:~$ cat /etc/pam.d/xlock
cat: /etc/pam.d/xlock: No such file or directory

Maybe try commenting out that line, or moving the file aside to see if
that works?  It may be a leftover from the experimental packages that
were a bit screwy.


  As famous as the unknown soldier.

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