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Setting gnome up

I made a mess of my woody installation, perfectly running with gdmand gnome 1.4 and sawfish, to move from ext3 to reiserfs ;(  (I forgot to backup /dev and /etc)!
So I re-installed everything from scratch using the CDs.

Now my problem is that I cannot (or better, I've completely forgot how to) set gnome up with sawfish.
Using startx the very first time I got an awful gray screen with twm. So, I've put 'panel' in .xinitrc than started the gnome control center, set sawfish (instead of the default twm) as my pet desktop and then "settings session- save session". Unfortunately when I've quitted I've found the following message:
/bin/bash: save-session : command not found.
And, needless to say, nothing has changed.

Please, help to straighten things up


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