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Re: How do I start a X session on another machine

Andrew Lindley said:
> I have 2 machines running Woody and not enough desk space for both
> screens and keyboards. I'd  like to be able to run X sessions on both
> machines from only one of the machines. When I ran SuSE I could use
> xhost +<host ip> to allow remote (or even other local users) access to
> the display. This doesn't work on Debian. Could someone tell me what the
> correct incantation is? Secondly I'd like to be able to run the host
> chooser on one of my vt's from gdm, ideas please.

I don't use gdm so I can't really help you with #2

but with #1 there are a few ways to run a remote X session:

1) vnc (nice since when you exit vnc the desktop remains in an active
state, you can run stuff and connect to it later from another system
if needed

2) X-over-SSH. This is slower/takes more bandwidth but works fine, you
need to be sure you have X11Forwarding enabled in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
(if not, set it and restart sshd). And you can ssh in from another system
with the -X option to forward your X connections accross SSH. There are
some compadiblity issues between various versions of SSH I have seen
over the past couple years, but generally it works

3) export display(as you mention). Debian ships with X in a somewhat
"secure" mode by default, that it is does not listen for TCP connections.
you can change this behavior by changing the X server configuration(or
display manager) the key is the words "nolisten tcp". You can probably
find all instances of this by doing:

grep -nri "nolisten tcp" /etc/*

by removing those words from the config files and restarting X(as well
as your display manager), the system should start listening for connections,
usually this is on port 6000, you can test it by telnetting to localhost
on port 6000, if it connects then it is listening.

to start an actual session, one of the better ways may be to use the
Xnest server it starts a virtual X server inside of your normal X
session where you can connect clients to display on it. if you want
to start a full blown X session off a remote machine I am not sure
how to do this.


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