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Re: using LDAP as a configuration/user management backend

>>>>> "martin" == martin f krafft <madduck@debian.org> writes:


>> only way I can think of to have seperate users is to set the 'mail
>> only' accounts to have a shell of /dev/null. Or perhaps something
>> else like /usr/local/bin/bash, and only make /usr/local/bin/bash
>> available on those systems which you want these users to login
>> to. the rest of the systems would have no such file.

martin> this sounds like a very unflexible hack. i suppose i could
martin> somehow tweak pam_ldap or an sql pam module to do this...

Looking at my pam_ldap file, I see this option:

# The distinguished name of the search base.
base dc=uhoreg,dc=ca

I haven't fiddled with it, but I assume that it would allow you to use a
subtree of your LDAP directory.  I suppose that other LDAP-based
authentication modules would have similar options.


martin> Mainly because I want people who don't know what a shell is
martin> (about 85% of the users) to have a simple web frontend for
martin> configuration. And before I make modules for .forward and
martin> modules for .spamassassin, i'd much rather just give them their
martin> LDAP subtree for complete access. it scales better.

Why not just use something like usermin-forward?  (I don't know of a
usermin module for spamassassin, though.)  It's in unstable, and I
assume it should be in testing by now, but I think it came out after

I think that setting up a web-based front end would be easier than
trying to coax various programs to read the LDAP tree.

Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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