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Re: Dictionary app recommendation

-- Robert Ian Smit <robian@wanadoo.nl> wrote
(on Friday, 04 October 2002, 02:41 AM +0200):
> Ideally I would like to use an application that has a gui and a cli
> version and can be used online and offline. But a nice online app
> that fits in well on a Windowmaker desktop should be enough for now.
Package: dictd
Description: Dictionary Server
 dictd is a TCP based server that allows a client to access dictionary
 definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases.
 Many dictionary databases have been packaged for debian.  They are
 discussed in more detail in the file
 Either dict-gcide or dict-wn is essential for a useful English
 language dictionary server.  It is strongly recommended that both be
 installed.  It is desirable that dict-jargon or dict-foldoc also be
 The client program, dict, is packaged in dict*.deb  If you are
 running a server, you will want the client for all machines in your
 network, and for testing server operations.

I use the CLI to access it using the dict client, but I've also seen a
KDE client for it. Using a scripting language, it'd be pretty easy to
build a web interface for it as well.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

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