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Re: OT: Accessing users' pages on Apache

Kent West(westk@acu.edu) is reported to have said:
> OK, really stupid question I'm sure.
> I've never played with setting up a web server, but last night decided 
> it was time to at least learn the rudiments, so I apt-got apache-server.
<-- Snip -->

> I spent 30 or 40 minutes last night googling for the answer, and another 
> 30/40 tonight Dogpiling for one. (Can you believe there's not a simple 
> "Beginner's guide to using Apache in a Debian environment" that's easily 
> found?)
> So, if anyone can point me to what I'm doing wrong, I'd appreciate it.


  You have been already been given a lot of good tips on what to
check.  I will show you what I did and hope that it might help.

I put the public_html dir in /home ie:
drwxr-xr-x   20 root     www-data     6144 Mar  5  2002   /home/public_html

I put this in /etc/apache/httpd.conf

Alias /public_html/     /home/public_html/
along with
Alias /astronomy/       /home/public_html/astronomy/
Alias /hamradio/        /home/public_html/hamradio/
Alias /programming/     /home/public_html/programming/
Alias /linux/           /home/public_html/linux/

these dirs all had the following permissions
drwxrwxrwx    3 root     www-data     1024 Aug 23  2001  \
/home/public_html/[astronomy & hamradio & programming & linux]

In /var/www/index.php  (would be the same for index.html)

<P> Link to <A href="/hamradio/"> Ham Radio Page.</A>
<P> Link to <A href="/astronomy/"> Astronomy Page.</A>
<P> Link to <A href="/linux/"> Linux Page.</A>
<P> Link to <A href="/programming/"> Programming Page.</A>

These would allow me to click to go into the index.html in 
each of the public_html subdirectories

That was way back in the Slink days and I no longer run Apache on that
box but did save all of those files.  It took a lot of research/time
to get that running as I was tring to do it as a "Well You have a
server so get it running, dummy" exercise.

:-) HTH, YMMV, HAND :-)

  Debian GNU/Linux 3.0
You had mail, but the super-user read it, and deleted it!

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