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Re: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux?

don't you want to learn programming? what's wrong with that?

hey, the more you know, the more you know. it's ok to be frustrated. that's
what the list is here for bubba.

dang, i started playing with linux so i _could_ learn to program. in the
beggining, i hated it. and now, i'm never turning back.

however, i agree that hardware can be a real stick-in-the-eye even after
'google-ing' for the whole weekend.

still, there are higher mountains to climb. take a deep breath... it's just
a computer for cripes sake!!!  :-D

it's not like it's gonna get up and throw your butt out the window if your
house catches on fire or something...LOL...

good luck with your stuff bub.

just a vote of confidence for ya!!!


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