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Re: Clear Case

%% grante@visi.com (Grant Edwards) writes:

  ge> CC is a very powerful system.  From what I remember (it's been 3-4
  ge> years since I worked somewhere that used CC), administering it
  ge> took up a considerable portion of one IT person's hours.  Maybe
  ge> 1/4 to 1/2 of one person's time every week.

This depends on how many people you have, and various other factors such
as how your systems are laid out, whether you are doing any Windows work
(Windows clients are _much_ more work to support in ClearCase than UNIX
clients), etc.  We have 200+ developers, all UNIX, and we have one and a
half people that do our ClearCase maintenance on our servers _plus_ (a)
all official product builds, (b) two or three "weekly builds", (c)
various other process-level stuff (triggers, branch creation, etc.), (d)
random other things :).  I also depends on what you count as
"administration"; these people don't do any hardware or OS admin for the
servers, nor do they do any network setup.

Of course, we've been using ClearCase for over 7 years so we our admins
have a very high level of expertise in the tool by now.

 Paul D. Smith <pausmith@nortelnetworks.com> HASMAT--HA Software Mthds & Tools
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

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