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LprNg, apsfilter, gs, HL1240 problem

  I've done a search of the archives over the past year on a combination 
of  lprng  and apsfilter, without success.  I'm using stable (woody) right 
now, which means
   LpRng - 3.8.10-1
   apsfilter - 7.2.2-3  
   gs - 6.53-3

   My printer is a Brother HL1240, which used to work before an upgrade.  
According to linuxprinting.org, Ghostscript 6.53 is supposed to include 
support for the HL1240 under its HL1250 driver.  However, when I have the 
hl1250 driver selected, nothing prints.

     When I run /.../apsfilter/SETUP, there is an hl1240 driver shown.  
When I choose the hl1240 driver, however, I get a message saying that 
ghostscript doesn't have that driver!  

   By using the ljet4 driver, I've been able to successfully print from 
KWord, AbiWord, Konqueror, Mozilla, and Opera.    However there are 
occasional glitches, which I'd hope the  correct driver would straighten 
out.  My questions:

   1. How can I get the hl1240 driver properly working?
   2. Failing that, how can I get the hl1250 driver that supports the 
HL1240 printer working?


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