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Re: apsfilter prints out NOTHING in woody

On Tue, 13 Aug 2002 22:31:21 -0400, Xida Chen wrote:

>i dont kno why but apsfilter doesn't print anything in woody. the printer 
>works if i use
>$ gs -sDEVICE=bjc600 -sOutputFile=\|lpr foo.ps

Not much info here.  Did you go through the apsfilter config process?
That should have created/modified (and backed up) your printcap and the
filters.  It may also be that the default (usually lp) works in raw mode
rather than being filtered.  Please post your /etc/printcap.

My experience installing apsfilter was very pleasant and without hitch.
In my own case, a Panasonic dot-matrix, print commands are:

	lpr -Praw foo.txt   		#for text, the base printer mode.  "raw"
									#mode bypasses all filters and sends the file
									#directly to the printer.  *Don't* do this 
									#with a 30K/page ps file.  A real PITA :)

	pr foo.txt | lpr -Praw 	#It's often handy to paginate plain text
									#files before sending to the printer

	lpr -Ppandot foo.ps  	#for ps &c., it converts anything to ps, then
									#routes it to the gs printer drivers.

You may want to re-run /usr/share/apsfilter/SETUP or
/user/sbin/apsfilterconfig (as root) just to be sure that everything is
configured correctly.

gt       kk5st@swbell.net
It ain't so much what you don't know that gets you in trouble---
it's what you do know that ain't so.--unk

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