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RE: Oracle on debian

On Thu, 2002-08-08 at 16:20, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> On 08-Aug-2002 Marco Antonio wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Here all our linux servers run debian. Now we are facing one problem: we need
> > to install oracle in one of then, and I had the information from Oracle
> > saying that they doesn't support the database running on Debian, just on red
> > hat, suse and some other distributions. Has anybody faced this problem?
> > Anyone here runs Oracle on Linux, with support from them? I really don't want
> > to install red hat here....
> > 
> they will NOT support you so be sure your work environment will be ok with
> that.  Otherwise you get to install a RH (or Suse) box.

That might be ok.  How critical are the databases, and how expert
is your staff in Oracle?

> Last I checked a large part of their requirement as 1) a kernel with async i/o
> and 2) large file support.

There have been some threads on the list regarding this.  If I
remember correctly, the installer requires glibc 2.1.x.
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