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Re: Oracle on debian

On Thu, 08 Aug 2002 16:07:41 -0500 "Marco Antonio" <marcoantonio@london.com> wrote: 8-§  > Hi all,
8-§  > 
8-§  > Here all our linux servers run debian. Now we are facing one problem: we need to install oracle in one of then, and I had the information from Oracle saying that they doesn't support the database running on Debian, just on red hat, suse and some other distributions. Has anybody faced this problem? Anyone here runs Oracle on Linux, with support from them? I really don't want to install red hat here....
8-§  > 

Once or twice I tried to install the iso/raw images I downloaded from Oracle website bu unfortunateliy I couldn't be able to do suceed. But on the web I found different docs about this subject, try googling oracle+debian+installation, even not officially supported. Whay don't you debianize the tar file that you can downloand fron the web??? It can be the best suggestion, isn't it?

let me know, I am interested in this suject


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